Minister hails Manitoba firm on employment of immigrants



CANADA: THE government of Canada has commended a Neepawa, Manitoba company, HyLife Foods LP, for helping to offer jobs to newcomers in the country.

The government’s commendation came through the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Honourable Ahmed Hussen, who showered encomiums on the firm as one of the winners of the 2017 Employer Awards for Newcomer Employment.

The award, according to a news release by the Minister’s office, was in recognition of its exemplary work to help newcomers to Canada find and retain jobs and enhance their employment skills.

*Rachel Notley…Alberta Premier.

GatewayMail learnt that more than half of HyLife Foods LP workers are immigrants who migrated to the province under different kinds of programmes by the Citizenship and Immigration Canada for foreigners.

“Every year through these awards, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) recognizes local businesses’ innovative efforts to improve the labour market attachment and integration of newcomers across Canada,” the release on the website of the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada said.

The release further said: “The winning organizations help reduce the barriers faced by newcomers in entering the labour market and improve their overall settlement in Canada.

“Winners were announced at the 2017 Employer Council of Champions Summit, organized by Hire Immigrants Ottawa, which brought together business, government and civic leaders to engage in a dialogue about the effective integration of refugees and immigrants into the labour force, and to celebrate employer excellence.”

Hussen, while speaking further on the award said: “I am beyond impressed by the initiative that HyLife Foods LP has taken in ensuring that such a significant portion of its workforce consists of immigrants.”

“Companies like HyLife Foods LP are role models for others and show how important the role of employers is in the lives of newcomers,” the Minister added.

An apparently elated Senior Director of Human Resources, HyLife Limited, Mr. Jeremy Janzen, said that the company was honoured to accept the award, which was the nomination of Neepawa Settlement Services.

“We accept this award on behalf of all of our employees and on behalf of the communities we work in,” Janzen said, adding: “Being located in rural areas of western Canada we enjoy access to some of the best and brightest Canadians.”

He also said: “We also have the opportunity to employ people at all levels from throughout the world. With the help of the Federal government including IRCC and Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) as well as Manitoba’s Provincial Nominee program and the Settlement Services offices we have the privilege of walking alongside these newcomers as they become permanent residents and citizens.”

“HyLife is excited to be a part of Canada-building as we continue to grow the diversity of our workforce, business, and communities,” he further said.

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