Kick out quacks within us, surveyors tell their leaders


NIGERIA: SURVEYORS have urged their leadership to do all within the ambit of the law to flush out quacks in the profession.

The surveyors want immediate action in ensuring quacks within the profession are kick out without further delay.

The call was part of the recommendations contained in a communique issued at the end of the Surveyors Vanguard 2nd annual seminar with the theme “Administration of Professional Practice: Role of Regulatory Body,” held in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

*Surveyor Akinloye Olufemi Oyegbola...NIS National President.
*Surveyor Akinloye Oyegbola…NIS National President.

The surveyors said in the communique signed by Surveyor K.K. Ajibike (Chairman) and Surveyor L.I. Gbadamosi (Secretary) that their call became necessary in ensuring that the profession was not further battered by fake practitioners.

They said: “The regulatory body must wake up to control the profession in its ramifications.  The regulatory body should ensure that those who are not supposed to practice the profession do not do so.”

The communique also pointed out that quacks and surveyors, who engaged in shoddy deal, should be penalised while the regulatory body should synergise with the professional bodies the government agencies as well as the public to ensure quality service.”

The surveyors also resolved at the meeting that the professional body should put in place a welfare system to help members when they are old to prevent them from involvement in unethical practice when they have challenges.

Similarly, they stressed in the communique that there should be insurance programme for members to take care of their health.

They urged the government to appoint professionals at the helms of affairs in the agencies and parastatals which controls surveying activities.

“Professionalism should be exhibited in all its ramifications,” they said, adding: “Professionals should be allowed to carry out their civic responsibilities without any intimidation from the public as entrenched in the constitution.”

The Chairman of the event, Surveyor Gbokoyi Okusanya, had earlier demanded the creation of Association of Professional Bodies in Nigeria.

“Administrators of professional practice must cooperate with relevant statutory controlling institutions, by obeying latter’s laws, regulations and bye laws.  Without planning or administrating, any work or profession is doomed to fail,” the chairman declared

Similarly, the guest lecturer, Barrister Kazeem Gbadamosi, in his paper, asked professional bodies to ensure training and retraining of members.

Gbadamosi, a former Chairman of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Oyo State Chapter, maintained that the need for professionalism in land surveying is germane to the need of the government, corporations and individuals to clearly determine boundary.

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