Mbaka denies media report on arrest of more judges


By Maureen Edozie (Enugu)

NIGERIA: THE Spiritual Director, Adoration Ministries, Emene and a Catholic priest, Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, has distanced himself from recent media reports which quoted him as recommending the arrest of more judges in furtherance of the recent clampdown and investigation of some judges over alleged corruption.

Mbaka said he was shocked by the report that quoted him in his sermon during the special Church Service to mark this years’ legal year organized by the Enugu State Judiciary.

“So I never asked them to arrest more judges because I have no problem with judges and I don’t even know why the judges were arrested because I don’t speak with the federal government,” he said.

*Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka.
*Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka.

The cleric added: “I don’t even have Buhari’s number; I don’t talk with Buhari so how can I urge people who I don’t speak with to carry out an assignment I don’t know about its origin and intention?”

“I couldn’t have said that because many judges are good, many are innocent of what they are being accused of, many are godly; so we lift our caps for those who are good. If there are some who are corrupt, they should repent; and if judges are good it will bring better hope for the common man,” he said.

Mbaka further said: “For me, judges should be beyond corruption because they are like ‘God’; if they make mistake in sentencing an innocent man the person will die in jail. They can save life, they can destroy life. The judiciary should not be merchandized; nobody should think he can purchase justice.

He also said: “I raised the question about the arrest; are we sure that the judges arrested are guilty of what they are accused of?  For me, if judges could be arrested let them be well examined; if found culpable, punishment could be meted out.

“I suggested strongly that the arrest of judges should not be selective; that the arrest should be 360 degrees coverage. So if the judges were arrested, what about those who gave the money; were they exonerated?

“While arresting the judges, I suggested that those who gave them the money, if actually they were given money for fraudulent purposes, should equally be arrested.”

“So the arrest should even go to the senators who were found culpable; it should go to the House of Reps, it should even be extended to the executives,” Mbaka said, adding: “People working for Buhari, who are corrupt, should equally be arrested and that is when the arrest should represent justice, equity and fair play; it should not be only for judges.”

‎ Mbaka stated that the revolution that is going on in Nigeria is an attempt to sweep off corruption in all aspects of our lives and in the entire government structure so that the nation won’t make corruption our culture.

He declared: “Revolutions that will exterminate corruption from the tap root because corruption is becoming part and part of our political culture and almost accepted; the war against corruption is a welcome development, but should be prosecuted without bias.

“Those arresting the judges I pray they should look well and not cause unnecessary earthquake in the Judiciary; the executive is safe; the legislature is safe and the judiciary is under attack. People will raise questions, so let there be justice in whatever arrest they are doing; so I don’t ask them to arrest more judges.

The Priest also emphasised: “I equally spoke about the economic recession and I strongly believe that President Buhari should employ more people who can help him implement his political agenda. So why we are praising the president for warring against corruption and insurgency, we still pray that he uses whatever he has to war against hunger.”

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