We’ll spend N221.129 billion for 2017 budget, says Amosun




NIGERIA: ONCE again, I have the honour and privilege of coming before this esteemed House to present The 2017 Appropriation Bill for our dear State, entitled ‘Budget of Repositioning’. This budget comes in the wake of unprecedented economic challenges in our Nation, which have resulted in trying times for both the Federal and the State Governments. I come here today with a deep sense of gratitude to Almighty God as I recognize that despite these obvious challenges, our State has navigated these troubled economic times with relative success when we look at the context of Nigeria as a whole.

*Amosun presenting the 2017 budget to the lawmakers on Tuesday.
*Amosun presenting the 2017 budget to the lawmakers on Tuesday for debate and passage.
  1. It is also important to acknowledge that the work we did before these troubled times began, and are presently doing to drive the State’s Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) have resulted in the provision of crucial support to our State’s Finances. Tough times have a way of prompting introspection and our Administration has undertaken necessary operational review over this past year. We will continue to do the very best in pursuit of our ‘Mission to Rebuild’ agenda, despite the difficult economic times.
  2. The vast potential of Ogun State cannot be denied. The geographical diversity and attractive location of our State means that we have the potential to build economic strength through Agriculture, Solid Minerals, Trade, Tourism, Services as well as Commerce and Industry. This, when vigorously pursued, will translate into opportunities, productivity and wealth for our people. We must continue to draw strength from Ogun State’s proud heritage. We must resolve to look beyond these challenging times and keep our eyes fixed on the ball. A promising future beckons and we must work together to prepare for it now. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, ‘…The future depends on what we DO in the present’.
  3. I remain convinced that Ogun State is an Emerging Economic Powerhouse that is central to Nigeria’s economic diversification effort and we cannot afford to be deterred in the midst of current difficulties. It is therefore with a great sense of responsibility that I present this 2017 Appropriation Bill tagged “Budget of Repositioning”.
  4. It is an affirmation of our ‘Mission to Rebuild’ agenda and our commitment to the ‘Five cardinal programme’ that underpins it, namely; v Affordable Qualitative Education v Efficient Health Care Delivery v Agricultural Production / Industrialisation v Affordable Housing / Urban Renewal v Rural & Infrastructural Development/ Employment Generation
  5. I believe that Ogun State is on the threshold of an important phase of its transformation journey and the expenditure plans that we seek to focus upon in Fiscal Year 2017 will be critical in repositioning our dear State. This next phase of our journey will be unlocked by the provision of critical infrastructure alongside the facilitation of more inclusive economic growth for our people and this must therefore be our emphasis.
  6. Let me at this juncture express our appreciation for the trust demonstrated by the reaffirmation of our mandate during the recently held Local Government and Local Council Development Area elections. Indeed, we made history by the creation of the additional 37 LCDA. It is intended that the creation of Local Council Development Areas will bring the impact of government closer to our people. We have also conducted elections in all the 20 LGAs and 37 LCDAs. I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm my conviction that the growth and development that we seek for our great State must impact all communities in order to be sustainable. We are committed to building an Ogun State economy that enables all our citizens, especially our youth, to approach the future with the confidence that their hard work will be rewarded with upward mobility. Let me also seize this opportunity to thank all our people for the success of the 40th Anniversary of the creation of Ogun State. I want to specially thank the President and Commander-in-Chief of Nigeria, President Muhammad Buhari GCFR; Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo GCON SAN; former President Obasanjo GCFR; members of the National and State Assemblies, respectively, for their support.
  7. The challenges of recent times have been well documented and are familiar to us all. You will recall that the price of crude oil fell to a 2015 low of $36 per barrel and it was felt that we had seen the worst. Little did we know that we would see a further drop to a low point of $27 per barrel in 2016. The impact of this collapse in price has been worsened by internal challenges in Nigeria’s oil producing region, particularly the activities of the Niger Delta militants who continue to bomb and blow up pipelines, which has seen production levels collapse to as low as 1.4m barrels per day, well below the budgeted level of 2.2m barrels per day. The impact on Federal Government and by extension, State Government finances has been acute. This year has been characterized by sharp reductions in Federal Allocations, which necessitated budget support and various other Federal Government interventions. These initiatives, no doubt, have helped us as a State but are clearly inadequate and we will therefore have to think out of the box if we are to prepare adequately for the future that our people desire.
  8. Despite the lean times, we have recorded some important progress in our dear State during the course of this year. In Education, we held the first ever summer camp at our Model School – Akin Ogunpola Model School in Ewekoro between August 14-28 this year. This was followed by the school’s grand opening, welcoming pioneer students into JSS1 and SSS1 on September 30 and we are on course to open 5 more in the coming months.
  9. In the Health sector, we have successfully rolled out ‘Araya’ across the State. This is our community based health insurance scheme for the most vulnerable in our society. We have also recorded important milestones in HIV/AIDS prevention and care, including the receipt of various international awards to validate our efforts.
  10. With the support of our partners in progress, we held the third edition of our Investors’ Forum on 10-11 May 2016, which was focused on Agriculture, Transportation and the Environment. We are seeing progress in our plans for those three sectors in the aftermath of that event. In Agriculture, we have signed an agreement with
    *Amosun tabling the budget proposal for the Speaker.
    *Amosun tabling the budget proposal for the Speaker.

    Arewa Cotton to lease 10,000 hectares of land in Ogun West senatorial district to grow cotton and to set up a ginnery. We have also attracted support for the development of commercial scale Oil Palm and Rice in the State. In transportation, we have made significant progress in our preparation for Light Rail, which will help to transform the economy of our State. Under Environment, the State has received critical support from development partners for key projects. The first is our Reforestation project, which will rehabilitate significant parts of our forest reserves in Aworo, Yewa North and Imeko Afon, and help to revive our rural economy through agro-forestry. The second is our waste to energy project, which will help enable us to use everyday waste material to generate much needed power in the State. The European Union commissioned the launch of the feasibility study on Waste-to-Wealth energy project. The EU funded the project with Three Hundred Thousand Euros (€300,000).

  11. These are competitive times where there is a heavy demand on scarce resources. It is imperative that the State continues to seek out partners if we are to make the necessary investments to deliver on our State’s promising future. Ogun State needs to take transformational rather than incremental strides in order to decisively reposition our economy in the context of the Nigerian Federation.

Review of Budget performance in 2016:

  1. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, you will recall that the 2016 “Budget of Optimisation” was N200.20 billion with approved Recurrent Expenditure of N100.91billion representing 50.4% of the Budget, whilst the Capital Expenditure Budget was N99.29billion, representing 49.6%.
  2. The approved Revenue Budget was N200.20 billion, with N105.67billion expected from Internally Generated Revenue and N42 billion from the Federation Account. The Capital Receipts were expected to be N52.5billion. As at 31st October, 2016, the overall Budget performance was 56.2%.
  3. At this juncture, Mr. Speaker, permit me to render an account of our performance in 2016 in certain strategic areas:

Major Achievements:

  1. Affordable Qualitative Education

In the last six years, we have made clear our commitment to the delivery of affordable and qualitative education. This has invariably led to a series of reforms and it is encouraging to see that our efforts have been yielding positive results. For instance, the innovation of Termly Unified Examinations in our public Primary and Secondary schools as well as Government Science and Technical Colleges has greatly enhanced the standard of education in our schools such that enrolment is steadily rising as is the Higher Education Potential of our learners.

  1. I am aware, however, that despite the significant annual investments in education, more still needs to be done to improve the quality of education. The global perspective in the education sector as declared under the Sustainable Development Goals focuses on ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all by the year 2030. We are glad to note that our agenda is in tandem with this global agenda; and we remain resolute that no child will be left behind.
  2. Several of our Model Colleges are ready to come on stream having already commissioned them in February, 2016 when our State celebrated her 40th Anniversary. The Akin Ogunpola Model College, Ewekoro commenced operations for the 2016/2017 academic year with the acceptance of 84 students into Junior and Senior Secondary School. Our administration is poised to open six more colleges in 2017.
  3. Successes in the Education sector have not been confined to our secondary schools alone. In October 2016, the Institute for Governance, Research, Leadership and Technology adjudged Olabisi Onabanjo University to be the Best State University in Nigeria based on its achievements in Infrastructure development and management, academic staff among other measures.
  4. Efficient Health Care Delivery

As we strive to reposition the Health Sector in Ogun State, we have adopted a two-pronged approach that takes into account of the needs of our population and seeks to enhance our capacity to provide the services they require.

  1. We scaled up our successful ‘Araya’ health insurance program, which seeks to offer healthcare cover to the poorest 25% of the population, focusing on pregnant women and children under 5. It is now available across the State. Since July 11, 2016 when ‘Araya’ was re-launched, a total of 4,123 pregnant women and children under 5 years of age have been enrolled. The State has been paying monthly capitation to the hospitals providing a basic package of care to our people. Our Araya programme is the model being celebrated by the National Health Insurance Scheme and has been adopted as the benchmark for sub-national level engagement.

22 In October, 2016, the Federal Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Centre for Disease Control, USA conducted a performance review of HIV/AIDS management in Nigeria and awarded Ogun State as the Best in HIV/AIDS service quality improvement in Nigeria.

  1. The Ministry of Health, with support from our partners, has distributed 59 solar powered refrigerators to Primary Health Care centres across the State to improve vaccine storage to prevent out-break of childhood diseases in the State, particularly polio.
  2. We have distributed Infant Incubators, Automated delivery beds, Anaesthetic machines, Blood banks and other equipment to some State Hospitals across the three senatorial districts.
  3. Through our Malaria Control programmes, in 2016 so far, 69,293 insecticide treated nets have been distributed and 179,997 doses of high quality anti-malaria medicines provided. In addition 44,333 women attending antenatal care have benefited from Malaria Prevention Treatment.
  4. Whilst acknowledging the achievements outlined above, there is still more work to be done to improve our Primary Health Care centres, renovate existing secondary facilities and build modern centres as part of the Mission to Rebuild Ogun State.
  5. Agricultural Production / Industrialization

In Agriculture, we continue to strive towards providing raw materials for large scale agro-industry and the establishment of value chains, generating employment and ensuring food security. I believe the following achievements are worthy of note: v Owowo Model Farm Estate The Model Farm Estate was formally commissioned during the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the creation of Ogun State earlier this year. The Farm Estate was established as a Youth Empowerment Initiative of the present administration, to promote youth involvement in agriculture. The programme provides entrepreneurship training in poultry, fisheries and arable farming. The Estate has been designated as one of the farms that will supply eggs and fish for the Home Grown School Feeding

*Amosun (2nd left) with Chief Ernest Shonken (1st left), ex-Head, ING, former Chief of General Staff, Gen. Oladipo Diya (1st right) and Speaker after the budget presentation.
*Amosun (2nd left) with Chief Ernest Shonken (1st left), ex-Head, ING, former Chief of General Staff, Gen. Oladipo Diya (1st right) and Speaker after the budget presentation.

Programme that is set to commence in the State imminently. v Pullet Production: We raised 15,000 Day-old chicks to Point of Cage at Ajegunle Farm Settlement, Ilaro and Ijebu Igbo Stations and sales have commenced. Presently 9,000 Point of Cage birds have been sold to Poultry farmers in the State at highly subsidized rates, to promote egg production and consumption in the State. v Cashew Crop Plantation Projects and Oil Palm Plantation: The 50ha Cashew Plantation at Afon in Imeko-Afon Local Government; the 50ha of Oil Palm at Ipokia and 50 Ha Cocoa plantations at Alagbagba in Odeda Local Government Areas of the State were maintained. The plantations were established by this administration as a legacy project and to resuscitate the cash crop sub-sector in the State v Working together with Africa Agricultural Technological Foundation (AATF), we organised our farmers to benefit from the mechanisation of cassava production which has led to lower cost of production and an improved yield. We have signed on over 1000 ha of land for this project to date.

  1. Forestry

Three new forest ranges have been established at Ijebu-Igbo, Ago-Iwoye and Molafara in addition to existing ones, as part of effort of the State Government to curb illegal logging activities in its forest reserves. v About 600,000 forest tree seedlings were planted for distribution to interested members of the public and for the establishment of a 350ha forest plantation. About 231ha of forest plantation has also been established in the State. v We continue work on the Forestry Landscape Restoration Project located at Aworo and Imeko Reserves in conjunction with Lafarge-Holcim, NSIA and some International Developmental partners. Funding for the feasibility study has been secured and the PPP vehicle between Lafarge-Holcim, NSIA an Ogun State Government has been approved. v Our Administration is set to roll-out another agricultural loan program through Commercial Agricultural Credit Scheme (CACS). This is an important step towards boosting agricultural production and improving the standard of living of farmers in the State,

  1. Commerce and Industry

v The industrialization drive of the Ogun State Government has continued to yield positive results, as 21 major companies recently commenced operations in the State and will be commissioned in the coming months. Some of these companies include CDK in Shagamu, Coca-Cola Bottling Company (NBC) and SAB Miller in Obafemi-Owode, Rites Foods Limited in Ososa, Innoplas Company in Ogijo, Coronation Power & Gas Limited in Sango, Food, Agro & Allied Industries Limited in Sango, OLAM Nigeria Limited in Obafemi-Owode, Celplas in Sagamu, and Drury Industries Limited, a multi – Purpose Warehouse Project in Agbara. Thus, bringing the total number of industries in Ogun State since the beginning of our Administration to a total 116. v Our Administration will continue to engage with the organised private sector through our quarterly meetings with Manufacturers, Trade Associations and through the Annual Breakfast Meeting with captains of industry with a view to protecting their investments in the State whilst attracting new ones. v This year, as we continued to provide an enabling environment for the public and private sectors to thrive, we successfully hosted the following national conferences: -National Council of Finance and Economic Development (NACOFED) -8th meeting of the National Council on Industry, Trade and Investment (NCITI) -Joint Tax Board (JTB) -Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) v We will continue to work on improving our ranking from number 4 to number 1 in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business sub-national report in the State. We will pursue this by bringing together all key ministries and agencies of the State to improve our responsiveness in the 4 key stages in the life of a business as identified by the World Bank. We will do this in consultation with the private sector in order to create a more conducive enabling environment for our current and future investors. v May I also seize this opportunity to commend our multi-lateral agency partners which include German Agency for International Development (GIZ), World Bank Group, French Development Agency (AFD), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), UNICEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation who have been true partners in progress in our mission to rebuild Ogun State.

  1. 30. Affordable Housing & Urban Renewal

v Site and Services construction work on President Muhammadu Buhari Estate has been completed and we have started selling plots to potential residents. We have also commenced the construction of prototype houses in the estate. We expect this activity to further stimulate land sales in the coming year. v We expect to commence the sand filling for our MITROS City project in Isheri as well as the realignment of Ogun River in the coming months. This project is a significant step in our efforts to positively affect the demographic in the State and attract residents across all segments of the socio-economic spectrum. v New Makun City continues it’s progress with the first phase of infrastructure completed and 60 hectares of residential and commercial plots fully subscribed. We will build an additional 300 houses for sale in 2017 and complete the construction of infrastructure linking commercial and residential areas as well as a 9 hole golf course for residents. v At MTR Gardens, Isheri, we have 150 carcasses nearing completion. We expect to add another 48 units to this number and sell them all in the coming year. We will be expanding infrastructure within MTR including the construction of 10KM of internal roads. We will also construct a 2.5KM internal road network around Riverwiew Estate, Isheri v The OPIC, Agbara project continues to progress. New Dawn Estate, which will provide 55 terraced bungalows and 50 detached bungalows is almost ready for commissioning. v We also successfully completed the construction of 12 kilometres of quality road networks at OPIC Estate, Agbara / Igbesa v We will commence the development of more affordable housing for lower income earners in Alamala and Siun in 2017.

  1. Environment

v We are a step closer to realizing our aspiration to turn the waste generated in the State into energy. Funding of 300,000 Euros has been secured from the EU for a feasibility study to help prepare this project to attract investment in the State. v We have refined the implementation of Municipal Waste Management, for a significant improvement in ensuring the level of Industrial Pollution Control. v Relief items were distributed to victims of rainstorm disasters at Abigi, Ibiade and other locations in Ogun Waterside Local Government Area in March, 2016.

  1. Rural & Infrastructural Development / Employment Generation

v Our resolve to develop our rural communities remains unwavering. In light of this, we have signed up for the World Bank’s Rural Access and Mobility Project (RAMP), which will provide Ogun State with access to a US $60million development fund to cover 500km of roads. We have surveyed and drawn up designs for the immediate implementation of the first 100 roads covering over 300km for the first phase of RAMP implementation. v In addition, we have been working with the Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP) and GIZ to establish guidelines for the Public Private Partnership (PPP) framework for rural electrification including the siting of a pilot project at Gbamu-Gbamu, in Ijebu East LGA. We have also commenced training and capacity building to roll this out in many other LGA/LCDAs across the State. This is towards building a solid foundation for sustainable rural electrification through a mini-grid in the State v The proposed Light Railway for the State has moved closer to becoming a reality as we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the construction giant, Messrs CRCC/CCECC that will handle the project. Our Feasibility and Environmental Impact Assessment reports have also been completed. We expect the groundbreaking to take place in 2017. This will no doubt be a significant step in our urban renewal drive and further boost commercial activities in the State. v RUWATSAN, an agency under the Ministry of Rural Development has expanded its ‘Open Defecation Free’ (ODF) project in Odeda LGA. We have obtained ODF certification for 80 communities with 145 new communities awaiting certification. This has been achieved through concerted advocacy, training, building of toilets and sanitation stations across the communities. v We have obtained 15 steel fabricated smoking kilns for distribution to fish processing farmers to simplify and improve the efficiency of smoking their fish for a fast growing industry.


  1. Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Honourable Members, Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe I have outlined in some detail my conviction that this is a crucial period for repositioning the economy of our dear State. Yet, this urgency comes at a time when our traditional revenue sources have come under pressure and the outlook for them remains somewhat uncertain.


  1. Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, the 2017 budget has been appropriately titled ‘Budget of Repositioning’, reflecting our resolve to further minimize costs and continually maximize and diversify our capacity to generate revenues. We propose a Budget size of N221.129 bn which represents an increase of 10.45% compared with the 2016 budget.
  2. The components of the Budget are summarized as follows:

Expenditure Items Amount N (bn) % of Total Salaries & Allowances 62.73 28.37% Pension & Gratuities 11.2 5.06% Total Personnel Cost 73.93 33.43% Overhead Cost 28.89 13.07% Total Recurrent Expenditure 102.82 46.50% Capital Expenditure 118.306 53.50% Total Budget 221.129 100.00%


The proposed N221.129bn Budget is to be funded as follows: Source Amount N (bn) Percentage IGR 114.34 51.71% Federation Account 41.00 18.54% Total Revenues 155.34 70.25% Capital Receipts 65.78 29.75% Total Funding 221.129 100.00%


Our Expenditure consists of Capital Expenditure of N118.306bn (53.50%) and Recurrent Expenditure of N102.823Billion (46.50%). Personnel Cost, made up of Salaries and Allowances stands at N62.73 Billion while Pension and Gratuities account for N11.2Billion which is about for 5.06% of Total Expenditure. The balance of N28.89 Billion which accounts for 13.07% is set aside for the Overhead Costs.

  1. Our intention to reposition the State’s economy requires us to continue to place greater emphasis on capital expenditure. This budget mix will support both the maintenance of existing infrastructure and allow the continued execution of more capital projects.
  2. The proposed Budget is to be allocated among the Five Cardinal Programmes as follows: Programme Proposed 2017 Budget % Share of Total Budget Affordable Qualitative Education 47,054,500,000 21.28% Efficient Healthcare Delivery 15,105,000,000 6.83% Agricultural Production/Industrialisation 11,610,250,000 5.25% Affordable Housing & Urban Renewal 28,574,625,000 12.92% Rural & Infrastructural Development/Employment Generation 44,201,000,000 19.99% Subtotal 146,545,375,000 66.27% Others 74,583,969,017 33.73% Total 221,129,344,017 100%

Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Honourable Members, in the year 2017 and beyond, our dear State will focus on the key areas that will support and enhance quality in service delivery through the following: v Strengthening of the school oversight function via data capture, analysis, monitoring and evaluation v Strengthening in-class use of ICT to enhance learning outcomes and effective educational management v Infrastructure development in tertiary institutions v Upgrade in vocational and technical education v Teacher evaluation and training

  1. In this sector, approximately 80% of the education budget is typically allotted and spent for recurrent expenditure, particularly on salaries and allowances. However, we will continue to drive greater efficiency in this portion of the budget.
  2. We will strive to maximize the effectiveness of Teacher Training as well as the funding of incentives to aid the redistribution of teachers into rural areas so that student performance improves across the State. This is in alignment with the long-term goal to focus more on qualitative interventions to enhance our education output whilst sustaining the necessary investment in capital projects. This approach is in line with the priorities of our development partners.

In line with our five cardinal programmes, the health sector will continue to be given due attention in the coming year. As part of our programmes for next year, we shall endeavour to embark on the following: We will continue to extend all our existing programmes under the Ministry of Health to reach the 20 LGAs and 37 LCDAs. Three modern, medium sized hospitals, between 50-100 bed, will be constructed in each of our Senatorial districts. We will re-organise the Hospital Services Department to ensure only duly registered and certified private facilities provide quality services to the people of Ogun State. Institutionalise continuous medical and nursing education to improve service outputs and quality. Provide necessary tools and manpower for Integrated Supportive Supervision of all health facilities in the State to ensure adherence to Ogun Standard.


Agriculture is an important source of livelihood to our people, and will become more pronounced in the coming years in response to the current economic challenges. It will be an avenue through which we can reduce youth unemployment, enhance poverty alleviation and provide socio-economic empowerment. We will acquire an

*Amosun presenting the budget to the lawmakers while others watch on Tuesday.
*Amosun presenting the budget to the lawmakers while others watch on Tuesday.

additional 100,000 hectares of agricultural land for allocation to genuine and sincere investors to promote commercial farming in the State. Intensify the production of horticultural crops using greenhouse technology. Promotion of open field cultivation through the installation of irrigation facilities for all-season production with particular emphasis on tomatoes, pepper and other vegetables. Establish standard semi-mechanized modern abattoirs in major cities across the State. Procure additional Earth Moving Equipment to complement the existing bulldozers and tractors to increase farmers’ access to agricultural equipment and enhance commercial farming. Develop arable and perennial exportable crops through the establishment and expansion of Cocoa, Oil Palm, Cotton, Kola and Cashew plantations. Produce maize, rice seeds and cassava cuttings for sale to farmers at highly subsidized rates. v In addition, we will invest in poultry livestock and fishery to boost protein supply to our citizenry.


In order to provide investment opportunities for investors in the State, priority will be given to the development of industrial park in Onijanganjangan, Sagamu and Igbesa.

  1. We will continue with the reconstruction and remodeling of our State markets. We will explore various options of power generation in all our State markets to boost the viability of our markets and to enable diversity of products.
  2. The Board of Ogun State Agricultural and Multipurpose Credit Agency (OSAMCA) will be reconstituted before the end of the year to ensure that they are able to facilitate the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) development program of the State.

We will endeavor to accomplish the under listed projects in 2017: v Provision of land for 10-Hectares Housing Estate at Locations including Ogijo, Ijebu-Ode and Isorosi in Ado-Odo Ota. v Development of 650 Hectares of land with infrastructure for medium and heavy industrial factories at Agbara. v Commence the development of Abeokuta City Center v We will construct a world-class convention center v Provision of Infrastructural facilities on the remaining 450 Hectares of the President Muhammadu Buhari Estate v Crop enumeration and compensation of land owners of acquired land


Mr. Speaker, the importance of an appropriate road network in economic and social development cannot be overstated. We have commenced engagement with various multilateral agencies with programmes of support for the construction and rehabilitation of rural roads and we have already earmarked 500km of roads that are considered priority across the State. We are determined to ensure that all uncompleted projects will be completed within the tenure of our Administration.

  1. Construction of Major Infrastucture

The State Government will vigorously pursue the commencement of its Light Rail project connecting major towns in the three (3) Senatorial Districts. v We will interface with the Federal Government of Nigeria with a view to ensuring the completion of the Federal Government Airport project at Wasinmi in Ewekoro Local Government. v Completion and Commissioning of the Abeokuta power plant situated at Onijaganjagan will take place this December. This will enable us to power street lights, key public buildings, and homes of private businesses and individuals willing to tap in to it. v We will revitalize and re-equip our fire stations to enable our Fire-men to adequately respond to emergencies. v On Olokola, development of the deep sea port and gas hub will be commenced to unlock the economic potential of the zone

  1. Construction of Asphalt Plant

The Government intends to procure and install a viable asphalt plant in 2017 to make asphalt readily available and also reduce the cost of road construction works being embarked upon by the Government.


In pursuit of the rural investment drive of our Administration, we shall ensure infrastructural development within the rural communities and small towns with a view to uplifting the economic, social, commercial and employment generation activities in the rural areas of the State. Specifically, we will construct or rehabilitate at least 2 key roads in each LGAs/LCDAs within the State.

  1. Water Supply

Since the inception of our Administration, Government has continued to pay special attention to the provision of potable water to the citizens/residents of Ogun State despite the financial situation in the country. This is to be intensified in the coming year by supplying water treatment chemicals, facilitating the passage of the State water law by the State House of Assembly. Also, there is a need for proper maintenance of water schemes. This will be done by procurement and installation of submersible pumpset for Ikangba water supply scheme (50kv), Ipokia Water scheme (50kv), Odogbolu water scheme (22kw – Complete Starter Panel), Aiyepe water scheme (30kw-Complete Starter Panel), Aiyetoro Water Scheme (30kw-Complete Starter Panel), Oloke Borehole Scheme (1HP) and Laderin Borehole Scheme (1HP). These efforts will improve the quality of life of Ogun people, prevent diseases and impact positively on the delivery of the dividends of democracy.


In year 2017, the State Government will ensure proper cleaning and vegetation control of the major streets in the State capital and across the three senatorial districts.

  1. The established Task force will be fortified so as to enforce prevention of illegal disposal of waste, street trading, and obstruction of walk ways and flower beds.
  2. Additional equipment will be purchased to boost the capacity of refuse disposal and management in the State. Voluntary Environmental Marshals will be recruited to serve as neighborhood watch within the communities.

This Administration will continue to facilitate the support currently given to the Security Agencies in the State so that the good work can continue. More sophisticated security equipment/materials will be added to the ones currently available. Government will continue to make sure that the various security operatives are given the necessary tools and equipment to ensure they are motivated in performing their duties.


Culture and Tourism helps to establish and reinforce identity. It helps to build image. The face of Culture and Tourism in Ogun State was redefined with the staging of the maiden edition of the Nigerian Drums Festival which was held in April, 2016. It brought together; Drummers, Dancers and Cultural Performers from different States of the Federation as well as international performers who entertained the Ogun State People with a taste of the culture and traditions found in other parts of the Country and beyond.

  1. In the same vein, the State’s participation in the year 2016 National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFEST) yielded excellent results because Ogun State took first in Drama, Arts and Crafts. The Culture and Tourism sector in Ogun State will leverage on this success to re-position in year 2017 so that it can be used as an instrument to facilitate positive economic and social impact.

Sports will continue to be an important component of our State’s socio-economic development. Sporting activities will equally be accorded the necessary support in 2017. Government intends to organize a State Sport Festival in preparation for the National Sports Festival. The execution of a major sporting event helps in developing infrastructure, generates employment, secures in-flow of funds, discovers and develops new players and athletes, which ultimately will contribute to the economic development of the State.

  1. OGTV

We have upgraded the transmission capacity of OGTV with the purchase of two new transmitters to improve the quality and reach of OGTV broadcasting. We are also working towards the digitalization of the station.


My deep appreciation goes to all members of the Judiciary for their hard work and support. We will continue to attend to welfare, training and operational expenditure of the Judiciary. v The ground-breaking ceremony of our new judiciary complex was performed by the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR on February 2nd, 2016 during the 40th anniversary celebrations. Arrangements are now at an advanced stage as the contract for the construction has been awarded. v Twenty new courtrooms across the three Senatorial Districts will be constructed. Government will continue to maintain the harmonious relationship with the Judiciary through provision of infrastructure and enabling environment in the coming year.


Earlier in the year, the State government sent a bill to Lawmakers seeking for the creation of additional 37 Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs), as part of efforts to bring governance closer to the grassroots and provide more dividends of democracy to the citizens and residents of Ogun State. The bill was passed into law after going through the normal legislative processes. We will also continue to collaborate with Traditional Rulers in order to strengthen relations with the grassroots. This will increase effectiveness in attending to the welfare of the citizenry and sustain harmony within our communities.


Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, while thanking you most sincerely for listening to this address, permit me to remind you of our collective responsibility to ensure the success of this Budget.

  1. To the good people of Ogun State, let me also seize this opportunity to assure you of our unwavering resolve and commitment to deliver on our priorities and complete ongoing projects.
  2. While thanking our people for their perseverance and understanding, we are mindful of the fact that these are indeed hard times. That notwithstanding, let me assure our people that we will continue to walk our talk in the development of our rural road network across the State.
  3. We are convinced that, what we have been able to achieve in the past five and a half years will soon pale into insignificance when compared to what is yet to come. We will leave no one in doubt about our genuine intentions to work for the development of our dear State. I strongly believe that God willing, with determination and our collective effort, we shall succeed in the desire to sustain the growth of our dear State.
  4. I thank you all for listening.

God Bless You.

God Bless Ogun State.

God Bless the Federal Republic Of Nigeria.

Senator Ibikunle Amosun CON, FCA Governor of Ogun State, Nigeria Tuesday, 22nd November, 2016.

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