Buhari, Obasanjo, Saraki congratulate US President-elect Trump



NIGERIA: PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari, ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo, and Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, have congratulated the newly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump.

“On behalf of the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari

*President Buhari.
*President Buhari.

congratulates President-elect Donald Trump on his victory in the United States presidential election,” Buhari said in a press release signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Adesina.

“President Buhari also congratulates American citizens on the outcome of the election, which was keenly observed by all true lovers of democracy and those who believe in the will of the people,” Adesina added.

Buhari stated that he looks forward to working together with Trump in order to strengthen ties between the two countries.

According to the President, he would ensure cooperation on many shared foreign policies, which include the fight against terrorism, peace and security, economic growth, democracy and good governance.

“As Mr. Trump prepares to assume the position of the President of the United States, President Buhari extends his good wishes to him on the onerous task of leading the world’s strongest economy,” the spokesperson said.

Also, Obasanjo, in a congratulatory letter to the 45th President, assured Trump “of cooperation and support from African continent for his administration.”

The ex-President said: “I felicitate with you, your family and everybody in your camp and your campaign for winning the Presidential elections to become the 45th President of the United States of America.”

*Ex-President Obasanjo.
*Ex-President Obasanjo.

“Let me assure you that most of us in Africa who believe in

*Donald Trump...Republican candidate.

equitability in the global affairs will work with you for a fairer world and more so, those of us in Nigeria,” Obasanjo stated, adding: “While congratulating you once again, please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.”

Similarly, Saraki said that he extended his sincerest congratulation to Trump on his remarkable victory in Tuesday’s election.

“Mr. Trump persevered through a very challenging Republican primary election cycle, where he defeated sixteen (16) professional and well-organized candidates,” he said.

The Senate President said: “While many career politicians tried to write off Mr. Trump’s candidacy as a long shot, he stuck to his position and controlled the daily media messaging like no other candidate in the history of American Presidential campaigns.

“Additionally, I must commend Mr. Trump for his gracious and courteous acceptance of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s phone call to concede the election.  He recognizes that Secretary Clinton ran a courageous contest and was perhaps the most qualified candidate for President in decades.”

“Having worked with Mrs. Clinton as a champion of the Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves, I can personally attest to her hard work and dedication to the less fortunate in our society,” Saraki said, adding: “Secretary Clinton would have been a tremendous leader and we will all miss her dedication and commitment to public service.”

Saraki...Congratulate new Ooni.
*Saraki…Congratulate new Ooni.

He stressed: “I look forward to working with President-Elect Trump to continue the strong U.S.-Nigeria relationship and to address our mutual interest in defeating global terror networks, rooting out corruption and strengthening the institutions of governance.

“Mr. Trump’s years of being a private sector leader can be invaluable to Nigeria as we work to restructure and diversify our economy.  It is important for the private sector here to have a larger role in expanding our economic base, creating jobs and fostering entrepreneurship.  In these areas, I am sure he will be able to serve as a strong partner.”

“In closing, it is my hope and prayer that the United States can move beyond this election and heal the divisions that divide that great nation,” Saraki said.

He added: “Mr. Trump has an opportunity to be a unifying force and I believe his humble acceptance speech was a great beginning.”

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