Blatter announces plan to step down amidst corruption in FIFA

Barely four days after his re-election, Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) President, Sepp Blatter, is set to resign.

The decision may have been hurriedly made following strident criticisms of Blatter to quit office over scourge of bribery scandals that last week hit the football governing body.

FIFA boss...In the eyes of the storm.
*FIFA boss…In the eyes of the storm.

The 79-year-old Swiss football boss, who was returned to office for the fifth term, said he would step down immediately a new boss is elected at an emergency meeting to be called soon.

Blatter had earlier refused to quit despite pressure mounted on him, after the arrest of seven FIFA officials linked with bribery allegations over rights to hosting World Cup. A United States prosecution team also indicted 14 other persons.

“My mandate does not appear to be supported by everybody,” adding: ““I am very much linked to FIFA and its interests. Those interests are dear to me and this is why I am taking this decision.”

The FIFA chief executive said further: ““What counts most to me is the institute of FIFA and football around the world,” adding that the extraordinary congress, where his successor is to emerge, would be “as soon as possible.”

Last week, allegation of bribery rocked the football body with the arrest of its officials on charges of racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering.

Blatter was first elected as president in 1998 having served in senior official capacity since 1975.


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