My victory, though delayed, came at God’s time, says Dapo Abiodun


NIGERIA: MY first reaction is to thank the Almighty God, because the victory is God’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

I wish to then, place on record, my sincere appreciation of leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC),  at the national level, the Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunke Amosun, CON, FCA, Ogun State APC leaders and members, my teeming supporters, the Director General, Barrister Segun Odubela, and members  of Dapo Abiodun Campaign Organisation (DAPO),  my local government, ward and unit coordinators, friends, and associates for your uncommon support, prayers and show of love throughout the proceedings at the Election Petition Tribunal. I cannot forget my parents, my children, my siblings and other members of my extended family for standing by me throughout and till date.

*Dapo Abiodun...Contesting Kashamu's victory.
*Abiodun…The APC candidate for Ogun East Senatorial District.

The judgment on our petition, which nullifies the purported election of our opponent at the Ogun East Senatorial District elections has shown that the triumph of evil over good, truth over falsehood, is but temporary.

The Tribunal’s verdict has confirmed our position that the said election was majorly characterized by fraud, irregularities, violence, intimidation and inducement of voters, non-compliance with the Electoral Act, several breaches of  the 2015 Guidelines for Elections; and other electoral malpractices perpetrated by our opponent, his paid agents, cronies, thugs and members of their party.

According to Saint Augustine, “in the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery?”. Our people knew the social, political, economic, cultural,  and even religious position and marks of our senatorial district in Nigeria, they knew the right and befitting candidate they voted for. My victory at the Tribunal, is therefore, the victory of the people of Ogun East Senatorial District,  our party members and coordinators who worked tirelessly.

My victory, though delayed, came at God’s time, which is the best. It was to serve a purpose. God delayed the victory of Joseph in the Bible for the right time, just as He delayed President Muhammadu Buhari’s victory for the right time. Our victory came at the right time, as it was eagerly expected all over the world. It also removed the tag of ridicule and stain,  which our opponent’s false emergence  placed on the good, morally upright and hard working people of Ogun East Senatorial District.

While we await the full text of the judgment of the Tribunal for careful study by my lawyers for a more elaborate response and legal advice, I  want to call on all our party men and women, friends and well wishers, in fact, the general public  in Ogun East Senatorial District in particular, and Ogun State in general, not to lower our guards in our just and selfless march to entrench people’s participatory democracy in which  the votes of our people must count. We should also continue to be law abiding.

I must also thank the three-man panel of judges for serving the cause of justice, and, according to the well reported comment of The Tribunal Chairman, resisting all attempt to induce and influence the panel. I thank the Secretariat, and all judiciary workers and all those who contributed to the work of the Tribunal from the beginning to the end of the proceedings. Special appreciation to the men and women of the pen profession for their robust coverage of the proceedings at the Tribunal.

In the words of Malcom X, “I am for truth, no matter who tells it. I am for justice, no matter who it is for, or against.”

Thank you and God Bless.

*The above is the full text of a statement issued by the candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC) during the last election in Ogun East Senatorial District, Prince Dapo Abiodun, over the judgment of the petition he filed against the Peoples Democaatic Party candidate, Buruji Kashamu.

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