Coup in Burkina Faso, as military sack transition govt

…Whereabouts of detained President, PM unknown


BURKINA FASO: A DAY after the interim President and Prime Minister of Burkina Faso were detained where they were holding cabinet meeting, the military struck in the West African country.

The whereabouts of Michel Kafando and Isaac Zida, who were to pilot the French colonized country to democratic transition, were unknown but the military said it has seized power.

The coup which was announced on the radio and television on Thursday sparked outrage from the citizens who trooped to the streets with no fewer than 10 persons alleged to have been killed by the military men.

*Blaise Compaore...Ex-President ousted last year from power.
*Blaise Compaore…Ex-President ousted last year from power.

Many others were also said to have been detained, while curfew was also imposed to prevent movement of people during the night and both land and air borders closed.

The development prompted the US State Department, French President, Francois Hollande, and African Union (AU) to condemn the military take over.

While the US said it was deeply concerned, Hollande declared that the coup was unwelcomed due to the fact that moves to elect new leaders democratically had commenced.

The coupists said that Gen. Gilbert Diendere, the Chief of State to ex-President Blaise Compaore and his closest ally, would lead the new rulers, at the time the transition to democratic election has been scheduled to hold in few weeks from now, precisely October 11.

Compaore ruled for 27 years but was ousted from power last year when he was alleged to have committed series of abuses and attempted to tamper with the constitution to elongate himself in power.  He has since been in exiled.

According to a statement read by one Lieutenant Colonel Mamadou Bamba, the coupists flayed the electoral laws and assured that a coherent, fair and equitable process that would lead to inclusive elections would begin soon.


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