Sultan to UN sec-gen: Help Nigeria retrieve stolen funds abroad

NIGERIA: FROM the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar, has come an urgent appeal to the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon.

The Sultan wants the UN scribe to help Nigeria retrieve her stolen funds stashed in foreign banks by corrupt public officials.

Abubakar made the appeal in Abuja at a forum on democracy, human rights and countering violent extremism, which was designed as part of activities for the visit of Ki-Moon.

*Ban Ki-Moon...On a two-day visit to Nigeria.
*Ban Ki-Moon…On a two-day visit to Nigeria.
Sultan Sa'ad Abubakar...Pleaded with Ban Ki-Moon.
*Sultan Sa’ad Abubakar…Pleaded with Ban Ki-Moon.

The respected Islamic leader told Ki-Moon that the UN could plead with member-states to utilize all available avenues and the relevant instruments to mobilise stolen funds by previous administrations.

“You (Ki-Moon) are here in our country because you believe in Nigeria and in the present government,” Abubakar said, adding: “How can you use your office to bring back all the monies stolen from this country and stashed in foreign banks?”

“Corruption is the foundation of all bad governance and crimes being committed across the world. It is important to have corruption checked,” the Sultan added.

He told Ki-Moon: “Please, see how you can urge those countries to bring back such monies,” while declaring that in order to promote peace globally, terrorists should be seen and punished as criminals.

The Sultan stated that perpetrators of violence, who use the platform of religion as a cover to commit criminal acts, should be seen as criminals and extremists, and not as Islamic extremists.

“There is no problem between Islam and Christianity, but there is a problem between Christians and Muslims in certain places,” Abubakar said, while further stressing: “Those few elements among us must be looked at as criminals and extremists, not just Islamic extremists, and should be dealt with in that manner.”

The Sultan stressed: “If we do that across the world, there will be peace between individuals we come across.”

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