Why I want to become traditional ruler of Mahin Kingdom, by UK based Prince

…I perceived it as a divine and clarion call to serve. … I’m poised to restore the glory of the kingdom.



NIGERIA: ONE of the credible aspirants to the vacant stool of Mahin Kingdom, a riverine community in Ondo State, is Prince Olusola Olurotimi Enioluyan Arowojolu,  The United Kingdom based Accountant believes that his decision to vie for the exalted throne was not only a divine call to serve his people, but his utmost desire to develop the untapped resources in the kingdom that are begging for young, enlightened and exposed monarch to unleash for the benefits of his people.  Indeed, Prince Arowojolu, a graduate of Oxford Brooke’s University, UK, told ‘Femi SHODUNKE of GatewayMail, in a special interview, his agenda to turn around Mahin kingdom for better if selected to mount the throne as the next traditional ruler of his riverine community.

Before we go into details of this interview who is Prince Olusola Olurotimi Enioluyan Arowojolu?

*Prince Arowojolu…I’m on divine mission.

Thank you for setting-up this interview, those names you mentioned are my names, a proactive and highly spirited young man in his early 40s.  I am the last of the four sons of the late High Chief Vincent Olatuyi Arowojolu.

Can you give us your educational background and your profession, and your status at your place of work?

I am a thorough bred accountant; I graduated from Oxford Brooke’s University, UK with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Accounting, a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) following my qualifications in 2007.  I have attended various courses and certifications including Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR) and Advance Project Management Certificate from Oxford University.

Prior to all these, and before coming to the UK, I had obtained both National Diploma and Higher National Diploma in Accountancy at the Ondo State Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, and completed the final exams of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) of which I am also a member.  As Accountant, my work experience cut across Insurance, Banking, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas Industries on various projects.

How will you describe your journey so far on the surface of the earth?

I enjoy every day of my life looking forward to fulfilment of God’s plan and purpose.  I would not deny the fact that there are times when life would throw a lot at you and would seems that everything was practically dead.  And with that I have grown over the years to understand that that’s just a season.  At that point by God’s abundant grace, hope and with prayer, I always look forward to another season full of God’s promises.

Is it true that you are interested in the vacant stool of Mahin Kingdom in Ondo State, Nigeria, and if so why?

Oh yes, I am indeed interested in the revered and ancestral stool of my forefathers, the Oba Alagwe and those that ruled after him.  As to why I am interested, I cannot leave or rule out predestination – a decision God took on our behalf before the foundation of the world.  I perceive it as a divine and clarion call to serve the good people of Mahin Kingdom and to restore the glory the kingdom once had.

*Arowojolu ready to mount the throne.

Sir, you would surely agree with me, that there are times in one’s life when the inner spirit bears one witness and one would have a burning desire within to do certain crucial things.  My spirit bears me such witness, I am divinely inspired, spirited and highly equipped as a catalyst agent to bring about the change and transformation long awaited in Mahin Kingdom and Ilaje as a whole.

Can you give us historical evidence to show your right to this respected throne?

In our Kingdom – Mahin, only 3 ruling families can lay claim to the throne in this following rotational order: the Alagwe Ruling House, Aganganjigan/Omobuwa Ruling House and Akinneyin Ruling House.  Now, after the demise of His Imperial Majesty Oba Lawrence Adetemi Omowole III, who was from the Akinneyin Ruling House, it is now the turn of the Alagwe Ruling House to produce the next Oba.

I am of the Alagwes.  My father, High Chief V.O. Arowojolu, until his demise in 2000, was the Asaron of Mahin Kingdom and Head of the Alagwe ruling family.  He was a legend, an enigma who by God’s mercy and grace fought and won the battle that corrected the travesty of history that once denied the Alagwe Ruling House for over 400 years the right to kingship in Mahin Kingdom.   He pioneered and persuaded the Ondo State government to set up the Olayiwola Chieftaincy Review Commission in 1982 to re-examine the Amapetu Chieftaincy and in particular the claim of Alagwe descendant in line with the recommendations of the Morgan Chieftaincy Commission he had earlier appeared in 1977.  He submitted the sole memorandum and representations before it leading to the restoration and re-recognition of the Alagwe dynasty.  The imperial evidence has it that Alagwe was the first Oba of the ancient Kingdom dating back 15th century AD.

In concrete terms, what are the lapses you observed in Mahin as at today which you intend to correct if eventually you become the king?

Mahin Kingdom is by far the largest in terms of territory and geography in the entire coastal suburb with towns and villages too numerous to mention.  I recently visited some of the towns and villages that made up this kingdom, these places are crying and begging for immediate developmental intervention.  It seems to me that we have practically been forgotten despite the infused enormous natural and human capital resources.  We are blessed, liberally endowed with crude oil, bitumen, silica sand, all kinds of oceanic fish, palm oil and other farm produces.  We are favoured by demography of young men full of vigour, energy and zeal to work when given opportunity.

*Arowojolu: our kingdom is blessed with natural resources.

I am really concerned about the young ones – the youth.  They deserve to be given a degree of dignity and receive back a level of power through skill acquisitions, empowerment and mentoring programs.

What do you see as challenges facing traditional institutions today and how do you intend to overcome them if you become the king?

In Nigeria today, especially within Yoruba race, the kings are seen as the representatives of Almighty God on earth and are respected and valued as such. Because of the role they play in their respective domains, there should be sense and spirit of probity, unity and reconciliation among our Kabiyesis so as to advance their collective course and remain revered.

How will you feel eventually leaving your comfort in UK only to become king and live in a setting that is incomparable to where you are right now?  Have you thought about that and is there anything special to you about this throne?

It really holds true that the UK where I live is incomparable to Nigeria as a whole in terms of comfort.  I would, no doubt, miss my friends, colleagues of many years, the environment – winter and summer – but above all I have always believed that leadership is about serving the people notwithstanding.  Kings are being “chosen” by Almighty God for a dispensation in time and for a divine purpose.  This decision is literally not mine, but God’s.  These I have since settled with my God and my dear wife together with our two wonderful sons who will be mostly affected.  They have been so supportive in fulfilling this God’s plan and purpose.

Do you think that traditional rulership is still relevant in modern democracy where civilians preside over state affairs?

During pre-colonial era in Nigeria and beyond, the central government of any given territories rested with the traditional institution practically because they were well positioned, widely connected with the people they govern and perform multifaceted functions.  The role they play, whether constitutional or absolute, and their relevance in the scheme of things can never be over-emphasised.  Even in Great Britain that has one of the oldest democracies, we still have the queen, also in Spain, Morocco, Belgium, Denmark alike.  So, they are still very much relevant.

It is even encouraging that the traditional institution as we have today is fast evolving with the coronations of young and vibrant Obas across most parts of Yorubaland, who are now bringing to the pool skills needed for developmental programs in this “generation Y”.  There is definitely a shift, desire and awakening for a better tomorrow among people.

*Arowojolu: my late father, Chief V.O. Arowojolu, was a legend, a pacesetter, pathfinder and an enigma.

If you become the king, where will you see yourself and specifically Mahin Kingdom in the next few years, probably a decade God sparing your life? 

As earlier said, the kingdom needs immediate developmental intervention in the shortest time.  By the special Grace of God and only by His Grace, I envisage that within a year of ascension the whole kingdom will begin to see manifestation of purpose as I have produced a very ambitious short, medium and long-term intervention strategies, as detailed in a carefully circumspectly, mapped-out and “Developmental Blueprint” (DB) part of which is largely centred on youth and youth empowerment, waterway and tourism development, new Mahin Kingdom development, among others.  In medium to long terms, I see the whole kingdom wearing a new look and transforming into a city whilst keeping our traditional values and historical connections.

This is a kingdom and must be run and ruled like a kingdom.  We would do all our best to bring back the glory as we once had; do you know that right in this kingdom in 1885, the then King Amapetu of Mahin signed at Aboto a Friendship and Protectorate Treaty with His Majesty German Emperor and Her Majesty Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, represented by Dr. Nachtigal and Governor William Brandford Griffith Esq. respectively.  All these facts are available in public domain and many more at the British library for people’s consumption.

Will you say this throne will be beneficial to you and your people?  And if yes, how?

For me, I want to die very emptied and fulfilled, just like my father.  He delivered all the purpose for which he was being sent and he left a mark and legacy to be remembered for.  You cannot now talk about Alagwe or Mahin without mentioning his name as it will be incomplete.  He is now part of our history and existence in Mahin as a people.  I want to leave a such and greater marks to be remembered for in centuries to come.

For the hopeless youth, the latter part of their existence will surely be better than the former and those that seem to have been forgotten will be remembered.  It is about a new season of great things to come.

What is your vision for Mahin Kingdom?

*Arowojolu: I’m divinely inspired, spirited and highly equipped for the throne.

I have very ambitious plan to turn Mahin Kingdom to Nigeria’s version of Dubai, after-all EKO Atlantic City is equally fashioned after the Dubai vision.  Remember also that Dubai today, a country that was once labelled a “desert haven”, was a conceived idea of a prince.  Now it has been re-labelled a global city and business hub visited by millions from all over the globe.  We will achieve this through constructive negotiations, partnering, persuasions and Public Private Initiatives (PPIs).

I’m sure you must have some messages for indigenes of Mahin Kingdom. Can you use this medium, GatewayMail newspaper to talk to them?

My simple message to my people is that we should all embrace the change that is visiting us in our life time.  The light has come, it is the beginning of a new dawn.

How will your exposure to the Western World impact positively in your kingdom should you eventually become the king?

As we have covered before, I currently reside in the UK with my family.  My work as an accountant has taken me all over Europe and the Middle East, and I have personally holidayed in Dubai and various holiday destinations in Europe and beyond.  I have always dreamt of how these experiences of mine can be translated to inform a positive change in Nigeria, but most especially my roots – Mahin Kingdom.

I have also cultivated very good business and personal relationships with people with various skills and from varied backgrounds, Nigerians and non-Nigerians alike, who also share the same passion for development and empowerment as I do.  This will, no doubt, assist us in our global summit in attracting investors and visitors to our dear Kingdom.

Before we leave you, can you tell us about your parents in terms of how they influenced you in life and particularly if anything specifically that we can attribute as reason for vying for this vacant stool?

Yes, my revered father of blessed memory, High Chief V.O. Arowojolu, was a legend, a pacesetter, pathfinder and an enigma.  As a philanthropist, he devoted most of his energy and resources to serve humanity.  He is seen in the Kingdom as the “Moses” of the Alagwe Ruling House following the conquest leading to re-instatement of the Alagwe dynasty in 1984.

*Arowojolu: It’s now the turn of Alagwe Ruling House.

As young as I was in the 80s, I understood well that my father was given the divine mantle to deliver his people.  I could see him so enthused and highly spirited whenever he was going to proceedings and law courts on chieftaincy matters. Infectiously, I fell in love with his selfless devotion to mankind.  I also marvel anytime I read through his letters, correspondences, historical evidences and court memoranda from his archives.  They are so incentivizing that I am now positioned to walk in his shadow as well as his pair of prodigious shoes.

Apart from being a traditional man, my dad was a successful businessman who was respected within the insurance circle, a philanthropist who gave scholarships and support to various people because of his love for education.

My mother, Chief (Mrs.) F.I. Arowojolu, who is a retired headteacher, a loving and a caring woman, brought me up to appreciate the values of family and never to forget my roots.  She is in full support of my desire to increase the lot of my people utilising my skills and contacts to bring the recognition the Kingdom of Mahin and her people deserve.

And as noticed in some kings who marry more wives on assumption of the throne, do you intend to join the league?

In whatever I do, I always try to be “real me.”  I don’t follow league or crowd; all my actions are carefully weighed before taking decisions.  My wife, Olusola, and I were knitted together in 2006; that’s over 12 years now.  We have come a long way; she is, definitely, a blessing who God has ordained to help in birthing His promise, plan and purpose.  She is my learning mate through difficult time and seasons.  With all these, I am sure you know that I would not go down that route.

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