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UNHCR raises hope on resettlement of 25,000 Syrian refugees in Canada

UNHCR raises hope on resettlement of 25,000 Syrian refugees in Canada

  CANADA: THE United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) has hinted on plan to help Syrian refugees settle down in Canada and subsequently become citizens. The hint came on the heels of plans by the Liberal government of the newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau which promised to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by this […]

Video journalist loses job after tripping refugees

Video journalist loses job after tripping refugees

  HUNGARY: A HUNGARIAN woman journalist has lost her job. The camerawoman was fired for kicking and tripping refugees who were attempting to run away from the Hungarian policemen pursuing them. Hungry, a country between Turkey and Germany, has closed its borders against the refugees, preventing them from passing through it to neighbouring countries. The […]

Ex-PM blasts Harper over refugees’ plight in Europe

Ex-PM blasts Harper over refugees’ plight in Europe

  CANADA: FORMER Canadian Prime Minister has slammed the incumbent for not doing enough to help on the refugee crisis. Many refugees – mainly from Syria and Iraq – who ran away from the war-torn and ISIS invaded countries are facing crisis in Europe as some of the countries have closed their borders against them, […]

Ontario’s $10.5m to move Syrian refugees to Canada

Ontario’s $10.5m to move Syrian refugees to Canada

  CANADA: ARE you a Syrian in danger or being tormented by the dreaded ISIS? And you are not save where you are right now? If you are reading this anywhere in the world – where you are hiding – definitely there is good news for you! The Ontario government of Kathleen Wynne in Canada […]

Austria detains three over death of 71 migrants in truck

Austria detains three over death of 71 migrants in truck

AUSTRIA: NO fewer than three persons have been arrested as suspected kingpins in the death, apparently by suffocation, of 71 migrants suspected to be nationals of Syria. Of the dead, four children – a girl between age of one or two, boys who ages ranged around eight to 10 years – and eight women, were […]

Two Somalian refugees reach Winnipeg after swimming down the Red

Two Somalian refugees reach Winnipeg after swimming down the Red

CANADA: TWO Somalian refugee claimants crossed the border into Canada the hard way this week – in the Red River. On Wednesday, Yahya Samatar, who was shivering and soaking wet, climbed out of the Red River in Emerson, and into the pickup truck of a Good Samaritan who cranked up the heat, gave him a […]


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